We protect the Nature Near You
Our work has an effect far beyond any political boundaries. The land we protect and steward is very diverse, ranging from pristine and undisturbed natural areas to fragmented ecosystems in urbanized areas. Our work is essential to the quality of life and the economic vitality of the communities we serve.
Conservation Vision
Our vision for land conservation is one that enriches the relationship people have with special places close to home. We strive to make our work reflect that vision.
Healthy Habitat: Conserving Natural Areas, Rivers, Lakes, and Wetlands
Water quality and the availability of good, healthy places for both wildlife and human beings is a priority in southeastern Michigan. By protecting natural areas in both rural and urban areas along rivers, streams, and headwaters, we help to provide habitat and corridors for wildlife and also help to protect water quality. Wetland preservation is a high priority for the Conservancy. We support the important function of wetlands by protecting the areas that surround and drain into them in addition to preservation of the wetlands themselves.
Working Lands: Conserving Lands that Support Local Heritage
Every piece of land we conserve has its own special relationship with the surrounding community. We honor these relationships by working to preserve uses such as farming, equestrian activities, timber production, and recreation while protecting more fragile areas from human impact.
Stewardship: Managing Our Protected Lands
Preservation is only the beginning of our commitment to a piece of land within a community. Our stewardship staff are active on every piece of land we protect, bringing know-how and resources to landowners and neighbors alike.
Education and Communication: Living Together in Harmony with Nature
All people benefit from healthy land and a connection to nature. As we educate and communicate, we strive to truly serve the diversity of our constituency and create viable conservation solutions throughout the region.
Sustainability: Adding to the Economic Viability of Southeastern Michigan
We engage in partnerships with businesses and industries throughout southeastern Michigan. Our corporate partners provide important financial support to keep preservation moving forward. In turn, corporations can rely on us to help provide the type of community that will attract and keep talented, creative workers. Together we share a vision of southeastern Michigan that is sustained by a vigorous economy where everyone has access to healthy land.
His Majesty - Jim Timmer